The Majestic Allure of Elephants: Myths, Superstitions, and Collecting

Today I want to talk about elephants, not the ones that silently sit in a room and make us uncomfortable, but the animal itself, and the collections of them that people have. 

Collecting elephants is popular, and we seem to have no shortage of items that are a reflection of that in our inventory. From figurines to plush, we've got you covered. But that's not why I'm talking (typing). It's the 'why'. 

Elephants are majestic creatures surrounded by a rich tapestry of myths, superstitions, and fascinating facts. Collecting elephant figures also comes with its own set of beliefs and interesting tidbits. Here’s a breakdown of some of the most notable ones. 

Superstition is the word! 

  • Elephants never forget. Meh, maybe they do, maybe they don't. They have great memories, but you know, no one (or elephant) is perfect
  • They are afraid of mice. Ummm No
  • White elephants are sacred. In some cultures, yes and often associated with royalty and good fortune
  • Trunk up for good luck. And trunk down is bad luck. You do you booboo, what do you think? 

Collecting Superstitions anyone? 

  • Pair are better. Ok, well if you collect you probably have more than one. Does a pair mean you have to have two alike? Or just two elephants? Either way, it's believed to bring balance and harmony
  • Where to display them matters. If we follow Feng Shui then we must place elephant figures facing the entrance of the home or office to attract positive energy
  • Oh, so LUCKY! It's a very widespread belief that elephant figurines are lucky, and certainly with the trunk up. They bring luck, prosperity and protection to the home (better get you one, or a pair!)

Facts about the actual Elephant, you know, the living ones

  • Largest Land Mammals. Yep, they are. They can weigh up to 14,000 pounds and stand up to 13 feet tall a the shoulder. African elephants are usually larger than Asian elephants
  • Socially Speaking. Elephants are highly complex social beings, living in complex structures socially. The matriarchal hers are led by the oldest female (sounds like my family! LOL). They mourn death, show empathy, and demonstrate care for offspring. 
  • Oh those trunks! The trunk on an elephant is very versatile with about 40,000 muscles in it. Elephants use their trunks for eating drinking, communicating, and if they need to swim, it's a snorkel (really!). 
  • Gestation Period for bringing in the youngens. It's a LONG time. 22 months! Holy Cow Elephant! That's a long time. But they need that time to develop their brains - maybe some humans could take note.

A few more fun facts

  • Historical Significance: Elephant figurines have been collected for centuries and often hold historical significance. In some cultures, they are used in religious ceremonies or as symbols of power and wealth.
  • Global Appeal: Their universal appeal stems from their symbolic meanings and artistic representations.

Whether you're fascinated by the real-life grandeur of elephants or enjoy the charm of collecting their miniature representations, these myths, superstitions, and facts add a layer of depth to their allure.

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